Sunday, September 22, 2019

Jordan game using gamefroot.

Check out Jordan Bs amazing game made with GAMEFROOT. He did a great job   .

Sunday, September 8, 2019

My Maps

Today we were learning how to use MY Maps. We were dropping pins and learning to measure the distance between places around the world. 
Look at our map.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019


This week we are preparing for our new round of Tuhi Mai, Tuhi Atu.  This round we have two lovely classes that we're collaborating with.  This is so exciting!

We have been doing lots of lovely learning and are working hard on our commenting.

Our class has 14 boys and 12  girls.
Some of our favourite things to do are play rugby and soccer, have Golden Time, maths, reading,  playing at the park and using our Chromebooks and singing and dancing.

We look forward to learning lots about our buddy classes and their learning.