Thursday, August 29, 2019

School Science Fair.

Watch Jodee-Lee and Micah talk about our experiment.

WAKA- will we sink or will we swim??

Our kaupapanui this term has been WHERE THE RIVERS MEET. We have done some amazing learning and our inquiry has been lots of fun. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Waka Haerenga.

Thank you to the crew of our Waka Hourua Tairawhiti for introducing us to waka. We loved being onboard our own floating classroom. We are so lucky to live in Tairawhiti and have these amazing opportunities. 
Callisto is just enjoying the atmosphere.
Captive audience.
Learning about the hoe PAIKEA.
Taking risks.
Starboard or port?
Which way Tommy?
Who is brave enough?
Do we have to go back to school? 

Wednesday, August 21, 2019


Taniwha Writing

By Benjamin Madsen-Jamieson